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St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School


St Johns Attendance 

St. John’s Catholic Comprehensive School seeks to ensure that all students receive a full-time education which maximises opportunities for each student to realise his/her true potential.

We want to give your child the best possible start in life

We want to help your child make the most of the educational opportunities

We want to instil your child with good time keeping habits

We want to prepare your child for the world of work

General Notices of absence

Parents should call St John’s before 8.30am on 01474 563755 if your child is absent –  If a call back is required please leave us a message requesting a callback.

Alternatively you can also email for absences and attendance queries.

To ensure we can maintain good attendance information we require parents to call every day of a child’s absence as an assumption of illness cannot be made and so it is appropriately marked on the school's systems.

If we have not received a notification of absence you may receive an unexplained absence letter, should we not receive a reply to the letter we will mark the absence as unauthorised.

The school expects the following from all students that they...

  • Attend school regularly.
  • Arrive on time and be prepared for learning.
  • Report to Pastoral Managers or Year Leaders if leaving the premises during the school day and sign back in when they return.This will ensure accurate recording in case of unforeseen incidents for example fire drills etc.
  • Inform their parents; Form Tutor, Pastoral Manager, Year Leader, or Teacher of any problem that may hinder them from attending school.
  • Produce an absence note or show a note written in the school diary to their Form Tutor.
  • Accept help, support and guidance when offered and deemed appropriate to ensure full attendance.

The school expects the following from all parents/carers that they...

  • Meet their legal responsibility to ensure their children attend school regularly and punctually.
  • Ensure they contact our Attendance Line before 8.30am on Tel: 01474 563755 whenever their child is unable to attend.
  • Ensure their children arrive in school prepared for learning.
  • Provide a note for students returning from absence.
  • Recognise that only the Head Teacher can authorise absence.
  • Accept that parents/carers cannot authorise absence.
  • Accept that holidays will not be authorised during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and that this has been agreed by the Head Teacher in writing.

Our Attendance Officer is Mrs Jane Abbott