History Website
November is an important month in the history calendar with such as Remembrance Day a particular focus. So it is not surprising that the History Society ensured that their website came fully online earlier this month. Our thanks to Gravesham Borough which sponsored the creation of the Website.
The website focuses on the work of the History Society and in particular the work on the Great War.
The books on the Memorials features prominently and the intention is to have spreadsheets on the site listing all those on the many Memorials with details of Regiments, when and where died. This work is closely associated with the work done by Gravesend Library and also with the work of the Community Office, Gravesend Council.
Other features of the site include the many activities of the History Society and there are many hundreds of photographs focusing and supporting the work; from tours and trips to what is happening, the plans and concepts and much more.
Well worth a visit – www.gravesend14-18.co.uk