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St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School

Policies and Guidance

Please click the attachments below to view our School Policies.

Examination Policies and Guidance

  1. Admissions Policy for September 2024 pdf File
  2. Admissions Policy for September 2025 pdf File
  3. Appendix RSE Ten Ten for School Policy pdf File
  4. Attendance Policy to Oct 24 pdf File
  5. AUP Parents Nov 23 to Nov 24 pdf File
  6. AUP Online and Remote Pupils Nov 23 to Nov 24 pdf File
  7. AUP Online and Remote Learning Staff Nov 23 to Nov 24 pdf File
  8. AUP for Visitors & Volunteers Nov 23 to Nov 24 pdf File
  9. Behaviour Anti-bullying Policy inc. written statement of behaviour principles to Oct 24 pdf File
  10. Careers Policy Sept 2023 to Sept 2024 pdf File
  11. Challenging Homophobic Behaviour Guidance pdf File
  12. Charging and Remissions Policy to Jan 2024 pdf File
  13. Child Protection Policy Sept 2024 pdf File
  14. Collective Worship Policy to Feb 2025 pdf File
  15. Data Protection Policy to July 24 pdf File
  16. Education in Human Love pdf File
  17. Equality Act Guidance for Catholic Schools pdf File
  18. Equality Policy to May 24 pdf File
  19. Exams Policy 2023-2024 pdf File
  20. Formal Complaints Policy to March 26 pdf File
  21. Holidays in Term-Time to April 2025 pdf File
  22. Homework Policy May 24 pdf File
  23. Personal Relationships and Sex Education Policy to Oct 25 pdf File
  24. Provider Access Information Policy Sept 2024 pdf File
  25. Pupil Premium Policy to July 25 pdf File
  26. Pupil Premium Strategy pdf File
  27. Remote Learning Policy to Oct 25 pdf File
  28. Salary Employee Information pdf File
  29. SEND Policy and SEND Information Report to Oct 24 pdf File
  30. Sixth Form Admissions Policy September 2024 Intake pdf File
  31. Sixth Form Admissions Policy - September 2025 pdf File
  32. Staff-IT-Acceptable-Use-Policy to May 2025 pdf File
  33. Student-IT-Acceptable-Use-Policy to May 2025 pdf File
  34. Uniform Policy to Oct 2024 pdf File
  35. Whistleblowing Policy Sept 2023 to Sept 2026 pdf File
  36. Youth Support Service Agreement - Privacy notice pdf File