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St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School

KS4 Options

On this page, you can find links and information regarding the different options subjects available this year.

Below you will find links to the Options Prospectus, as well as tiles for each of the subjects on offer this year. Simply click one of the tiles below, for your subject of choice, and you will be taken to a presentation that will provide you with information about the subject.

Key Stage 4 Prospectus

Year 8 Prospectus - Please click here

Year 9 Prospectus - Please click here

EBACC Subjects - Year 8 Only

Key Stage 3 Foundation Options - Year 8 Only


Key Stage 4 Enrichment Level 1 Options


Key Stage 4 BTEC Options


Key Stage 4 GCSE Options


Core Subjects






Closing Statement

Over the next few weeks pupils are required to carefully consider which Options Subjects they wish to select.

It is vital that pupils only select Option courses that they have a keen interest in. Your Form Tutor and Year Leader are available to support and guide pupils in the decision-making process, and it is suggested pupils seek out the Subject Leader of any course they are interested in studying to find out further information about the course and their suitability.

Pupils will be required to log in to the school’s electronic Options Portal in order to submit their Option course selections.

Students are required to carefully consider which Option subjects they wish to select and to then login to the school’s Options Portal at the following website address in order to submit their choices. Your son/daughter’s login details (Username and Password) will be issued via a letter prior to the Options Program going live on Thursday 21st March; please ensure that these details are kept securely.

We will endeavour to allocate each pupil’s preferred courses, but this is not always possible due to timetabling restrictions and the fact that all courses are offered subject to sufficient uptake. In such instances, you will be allocated your reserve course.

Once a pupil has logged into the school’s electronic Options Portal and confirmed their preferred and reserve courses, they are committed to taking whichever of these courses they are allocated. Pupils will not be allowed to change their Options after they have logged into the Program and selected their preferred and reserve courses.

The school will automatically allocate under-subscribed Option courses to any student that does not submit their preferred and reserve courses by the deadline date of Tuesday 16th April 2024

We hope that pupils are happy with the information and support provided and that the next important stage in their education is challenging, rewarding and enjoyable.