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St John’s Catholic Comprehensive School

Our Catholic Faith in Action

The 2024/25 school year has been a busy year so far for Chaplaincy. It is a pleasure to see so many pupils engage with the Spiritual Life of St John's.

In September a selection of pupils from across the school represented St John's at the KCSP Beginning of Year Mass at Aylesford Priory, this was celebrated by Bishop Paul Hendrick, auxiliary Bishop for the area and Southwark Diocese. Students from St John's also participated at the Diocesan Beginning of The School Year Mass, St Georges Cathedral, Southwark, with Archbishop Wilson celebrating Mass with young people from schools in The Diocese of Southwark.

Our retreat programme commenced with Year 7 pupils visiting Aylesford Priory. The pupils became pilgrims for the day, spending time reflecting on their life journey from primary school to secondary school, how they have changed and who will walk beside them as they journey through St John's. The groups explored different ways of praying and pupils were gifted Rosary's and a guide to the Rosary. The highlight of the day being, it would appear, was feeding the many Geese and Ducks at Aylesford Priory.

December for any school is a busy month.

Our Year 12 students organised a collection of soft toys, donating them to the Teddy Bear Tombola stall for the St John's Parish Bazaar. Our senior students collected over one hundred soft toys, gratefully received by the Parish. On the day of the Christmas Bazaar, many pupils gave up their time to help. Pupils stayed after school on the Friday evening before to assist parishioners to carry goods from cars. Then, on the day of the Bazaar, students served behind stalls. They ran themselves to exhaustion, as runners for 'Spin the Wheel' and remained after the bazaar had finished to clear the school, ready for Monday morning. This was faith in action, sound people guided by Catholic Social Teaching, called to participate in their community.

Despite the busy period of time that the previous three months have been, students are seeking God in the quiet times of the school day. The Chapel is busy most break and lunchtime. It is a place of peace and calm, something we all need in our lives.

Susanne Gibbons

School Chaplain.