Careers Education
Welcome to the St John's Catholic Comprehensive Careers Page!
Careers Education Vision Statement
At St John’s, we aim to educate our young people about the world of work, providing them with the very best information and guidance that they need, and inspiring them to make a positive contribution to a better society throughout their adult life. We focus on developing the whole person, nurturing our students to ultimately pursue a career in order to serve and lead others in their world of work, fulfilling their God-given potential, and being ‘Inspired by Christ’ in all that they do.
Parents, students & ex-students, and employers can access more information through the links on the right side of this page, or by contacting our Careers Leader, Mr Tim Self. Details of our Careers programme alongside our related policies can be found in the attachments at the bottom of this page.
To speak to a member of the careers team, please contact Reception on 01474 534718 and ask for T Self or H Rooke.
Alternatively, to contact the careers team via email, please send enquiries to:
Measuring and assessing Impact
Our careers provision at St John's begins in Year 7. This means that our students have the potential to draw upon 5 years of CEIAG, or 7 years if they stay with us for Year 13. We use Compass+, a tool from The Careers & Enterprise Company, to benchmark, manage, track and report on our careers programme - this is completed 3 times during the academic year working with our Enterprise Coordinator. In addition we seek feedback, for example via questionnaire, from all stakeholders to continually improve our provision. This allows us to assess the impact and make enhancements where required.